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Sorry for the delay

March 12, 2011

Well, it’s been a while since my last post and I apologize to all of my faithful readers.  I know there are a lot of you(that was a joke).  It’s been a crazy last few weeks with so much going on.  I don’t even know where to begin with everything that has happened, but the biggest thing is that we found out a few weeks ago that my wife Aubree is pregnant and we are expecting our first child in October!  We are very excited and looking forward to being parents.  The first thing everyone asks me is, “What do you want? Boy or girl?”  The truth is, I really don’t care.  Everyone expects me to want a boy, but it honestly doesn’t matter to me at all.  We have already had numerous discussions on baby names, and we have a couple in mind but we still have a while for that.  On our visit to the doctor Aubree got an ultrasound and we got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat.  I’ve never had a feeling like that in my life, it was crazy to hear that for the first time. I almost cried, is that weird?  I don’t think so.   Hopefully things will go smoothly through her pregnancy and we will have a healthy baby in the fall.

I have been in Florida a little over a week for Spring Training.  This is my 5th Spring Training with the Rays, and it amazes me how much it changes every year.  My first couple of years I was the new guy that barely knew anyone except the guys on my team the previous year.  Then the last couple of years, I pretty much knew everyone whether it be from past teams or past Spring Trainings.  This year is completely different!  When pitchers and catchers reported last week, I literally knew about 10 guys.  Then the position players showed up and that made for about 10 more guys I know.  Through the years, guys have either gotten released, traded, retired, or anything else you can think of.  It’s a good thing that I’m still around, but it makes you feel old hanging around a bunch of 18 year olds that were in high school a year ago!

I threw to hitters for the first time today, which was my final tune up before Spring Training games start in a few days.  So far, no complaints.  My arm feels good, and I made it through our conditioning tests which I wasn’t looking forward to.  I stopped by to see my parents on the 20 hour drive from PA, and it was good to relax and see them on my way down.  I went over to my old stomping ground at ETSU to throw a bullpen, and got to catch up with my old coaches for a little.  It was good to see those guys, and it made me think of all the good (and a few bad) times I had!

When I got to Florida and started talking with some of my teammates, they all had comments about my blog.  Most of them said it was gay or they were expecting it to be funnier.  I guess they want me to make fun of people more or tell stories that don’t need to be told for the whole world to see.  Or maybe they’re just jealous they don’t know how to construct a sentence.  Regardless, they’ll read this and I’ll get crap for it tomorrow at the field.  Oh well.  The culture in a baseball locker room is definitely like no other I’ve ever been in.  It’s all making fun of each other, calling each other out on everything, and a bunch of other things that wouldn’t be very kosher in any other setting.  But nobody would have it any other way.  The guys that get their feelings hurt the easiest or are sensitive to joking around are usually the guys that get the most crap.  I sometimes carry over my baseball etiquette into daily conversations with my wife, and that usually doesn’t turn out well for me.  I guess I need to realize I can’t constantly pick on my own wife!  One of her favorite lines is, “I can tell you’ve been hanging around your baseball friends.”

I’ll try to get another blog up in a week or 2,  but I lost the charger to my computer so who knows when I’ll have that back.  I’ll try to think of something creative for my next post.  I’m going to be pretty busy with Spring Training, golf, and of course March Madness.  I’m hoping the Dukies can repeat, but I don’t really think they will.  I guess we will see soon enough…

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  1. Hmmm… this all sounds so familiar. Where have I heard this before?

    One thing to remember, my young padawan, is that when it’s all said and done, most of these player opinions wont mean a thing. The world of baseball passes by quickly, and when it goes, you’ll always have your journal and memories. Public opinion is only relevant when you are bound by the rules and judgement of that particular public. If you want to write as a baseball player, expect some fall out. But don’t stop because of stupid player comments on your personal goals. You’ll never get anywhere that way. Good luck.

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